New Options for Young Invincibles

By Christina Postolowski, Young Invincibles The Affordable Care Act (ACA) will provide enormous new benefits to young Americans – in fact, it already has. Last month, Gallup released a poll showing that the uninsured rate for young adults under 26 decreased yet again, a drop of six percent since 2009. The drop is due in […]

CMS Q&A Shines Light on “Arkansas Plan”

Just in time for the holiday weekend, CMS issued a Q&A regarding the state option to expand Medicaid by using premium assistance to buy coverage through a qualified health plan in the new insurance marketplaces. Over the past few weeks, “the Arkansas plan” worked itself into a media frenzy and had Medicaid stakeholders concerned over […]

A Look At What State Legislatures Are Up To On Navigators

By Katie Keith, Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reforms In addition to our efforts to track state legislation on the Affordable Care Act’s market reforms (check out our most recent blog on the 2014 market reforms here), our team is also tracking legislation that relates to exchange establishment and development. In this blog—brought to […]

New Resource Looks at Premium Assistance Options in Medicaid/CHIP

Yesterday my new report for the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured was released called Premium Assistance in Medicaid and CHIP: An Overview of Current Options and Implications of the Affordable Care Act.  The paper examines how statutory changes in the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act and the Affordable Care Act have changed […]

Consumer Advocates Respond to HHS’s Model Application

By Jocelyn Guyer Let’s just say it straight out. Congress handed the Administration a Mt. Everest-sized challenge when it said they must develop a simple, streamlined model application for enrollment in all possible sources of ACA coverage – Exchange coverage, Advance Premium Tax Credits (APTCs), Medicaid and CHIP.  It would be hard enough to figure […]