Green Light Comes Early for Six Health Insurance Exchanges

By Sarah Dash, Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reform On Monday, December 10th, the Department of Health and Human Services granted conditional approval to six states seeking to establish state-based health insurance exchanges: Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Washington. The decisions came earlier than the January 1, 2013, statutory deadline for HHS to […]

The Medical Loss Ratio Rule – Report Highlights Savings for Consumers

By Sabrina Corlette, Center on Health Insurance Reform The Commonwealth Fund recently released a study evaluating insurers’ responses to the medical loss ratio (MLR) rules under the Affordable Care Act. The study’s authors found that the MLR has resulted in a total of $1.5 billion in savings from reducing insurers’ administrative costs and rebates for consumers. The MLR, often […]

New Development in the Stop-Loss Debate

By Christine Monahan, Center on Health Insurance Reforms There is a lot of talk around Washington, D.C. these days about whether or not more small employers will self-fund their employee’s health coverage with implementation of the Affordable Care Act – and, if they do, how this could impact the fully-insured small group market (including the […]

HHS Proposes Official Essential Health Benefit and Insurance Market Regulations

By Joe Touschner While HHS outlined its approach for setting Essential Health Benefits in a Bulletin nearly a year ago, we’ve been waiting for federal regulations to make things official.  This week, those regulations were proposed.  The Department has posted info on the regs at these links: EHB Fact Sheet EHB Proposed Rule We’re still […]

If You Build It Will They Come? Outreach Lessons from CHIP

Editor’s Note:  This blog post originally appeared on the State Refor(um) By Carla Plaza, National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) If you build it will they come? If history repeats itself, they will, but not without intentional, focused efforts to reach, assist and enroll individuals and families into health care coverage. Prior to the […]