Survey Looks at Medicaid Unwinding Experiences for Spanish Speakers

By Melody Emenyonu, CCF communications intern, and Kelly Whitener The Protecting Immigrant Families recently partnered with UnidosUS and Noticias Para Inmigrantes to conduct a survey focused on Spanish-speaking adults and their experiences with Medicaid unwinding and the re-enrollment process. All 2,125 participants of the survey had at least one member of their family enrolled in […]

CMS Releases Updated Medicaid & CHIP Telehealth Toolkit, Includes State Best Practices and Behavioral Health Strategies

This month, CMS released an updated State Medicaid and CHIP Telehealth Toolkit consolidating information from previous toolkits and providing additional guidance – as required by the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act – on issues from billing best practices to strategies for using telehealth in schools. In addition to FAQs on issues such as benefit flexibility, financing, […]