
  • New Data Finds Number of Uninsured Children Increasing at Alarming Rate

    NC Child By: Fawn Pattison An estimated 142,000 North Carolina children were uninsured last year, a number that has increased about 23% since 2016, according to a new report released by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families. About 27,000 more North Carolina children were uninsured in 2019 than in 2016. The state’s experience is part…

  • New Data Finds Number of Utah Uninsured Children Increasing at Alarming Rate

    Voices for Utah Children An estimated 82,000 Utah children were uninsured last year, a number that has increased by 39 percent since 2016, according to a new report released by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families. The report finds that Utah had the third largest increase in its child uninsured rate in the nation.…

  • Report: Utah’s rate of uninsured kids is 6th highest in the nation

    Salt Lake Tribune By: Bethany Rogers In recent years, Utah has experienced a 39% increase in the number of uninsured children and now has among the nation’s highest rates of kids without health coverage, according to a new report.About 82,000 children in the state — roughly 8.3% of the total — lacked health insurance as…

  • Harris County has more uninsured kids than most – and it’s only getting worse

    Houston Chronicle By: Gwendolyn Wu One in seven children in Harris County were uninsured in 2019, one of the highest rates in the country and almost triple the national average, according to a report from the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families. Those numbers are only expected to rise in 2020, as families lose employer-sponsored…

  • Fewer Children Have Health Insurance; Report Predicts Trouble Ahead

    Public News Service The number of children without health insurance was rising nationwide and here in Pennsylvania before the COVID pandemic, and a new report predicts that trend will continue. The report, from the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families, says after years of progress getting more kids covered by health insurance, between 2016…

  • Ohio Sees a Troubling Increase in Uninsured Children

    Clevescene By: Mary Kulhman Even during a time when the economy was notably strong, Ohio lost ground in ensuring children have access to health coverage. An annual report released today by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families reveals there were 27,000 more uninsured Ohio children in 2019 than in 2016.Kelly Vyzral, senior health…

  • Child insurance gains largely erased between 2016 and 2019: Study

    WTVQ By: Steve Rogers An estimated 45,000 Kentucky children were uninsured last year, a number that has increased about 29% since 2016, according to a new report released by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families. Kentucky’s experience is part of a national trend that left an estimated 726,000 more children without health coverage nationwide…

  • Report: Number Of Uninsured Children Sees Largest Jump In A Decade

    WUSF By: Daylina Miller After reaching an historic low of 4.7 percent in 2016, the rate of uninsured children began to increase in 2017, and as of last year, most gains made from the Affordable Care Act are gone, according to the latest report by the Georgetown University Center for Children & Families. Joan Alker, the…

  • Florida’s number of children without health coverage is soaring

    Orlando Weekly By: Trimmel Gomes  The number of children without access to health coverage is on the rise in Florida. An annual report released today by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families reveals there were 55,000 more uninsured children in the state in 2019 than in 2016. Anne Swerlick, a health policy analyst…

  • Colorado kids have lost health insurance at an alarming rate report finds

    Colorado Children’s Campaign By: Erin Miller An estimated 73,000 Colorado children were uninsured last year, a number that has increased about 28 percent since 2016, according to a new report released by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families. This means that 73,000 Colorado kids went into the economic and public health crises caused by…

  • The Rate Of Uninsured Children Is Creeping Up Across Colorado And The US, And Hispanic Kids Are Even Less Likely To Be Insured

    Colorado Public Radio By: Claire Cleveland In 2019, there were about 58,000 kids in Colorado who were uninsured. That’s nearly the population of Grand Junction. Rewind to 2015 and a historic low of 2.5 percent, or an estimated 33,000 children in Colorado, were uninsured, according to data compiled by the Colorado Health Institute. In 2016, the nation…

  • Arkansas saw one of the biggest jumps in uninsured kids in USA over three years

    Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families By: Brooke Edwards An estimated 43,000 Arkansas children were uninsured last year, a number that has increased about 43 percent since 2016, according to a new report released by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families. Arkansas’s experience is part of a national trend that left an estimated 726,000 more…

  • Leading Children’s Health Groups Urge Lawmakers and Administration to Address Troubling Trends in Children’s Uninsurance

    American Academy of Pediatrics Leading children’s health groups are urging comprehensive and immediate action by Congress and the Administration to protect and improve access to health care coverage for all children. The call to action comes on the heels of recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau showing that 320,000 fewer children had health insurance…

  • Axios Vitals 10/12: More children lack health insurance

    Axios By: Caitlin Owens A record 4.4. million children were without health insurance last year, an increase by about 320,000, an analysis of U.S. Census data shows. Why it matters: After decades of decline, it’s the third year in a row the nation has seen an increase in the number of uninsured children, Axios’ Marisa…

  • A Statewide Approach To Improving Child Health And Health Care

    Health Affairs By: Rebecca Gale Judy Shaw remembers that when she walked into Children’s of Alabama, in Birmingham, in 2014, she was greeted by some executives “with their arms crossed.” Shaw, the director of the Vermont Child Health Improvement Program (VCHIP), run through the University of Vermont in Burlington, had been invited to Alabama by…

  • Even as the Economy Grew, More Children Lost Health Insurance

    New York Times By: Margot Sanger-Katz  and Abby Goodnough The share of children with health coverage in the United States fell for the third consecutive year in 2019, according to census data, after decades of increases. The decline occurred during a period of economic growth — before the coronavirus pandemic caused broad job losses that…

  • 2019 saw the biggest rise in uninsured children in a decade — and that was before the recession

    CNN By: Tami Luhby The increase in the number of uninsured children last year was the largest in more than a decade, even before the pandemic and the recession it caused. The uninsured rate climbed to 5.7% in 2019, the third year of increases after hitting a historic low of 4.7% in 2016. The number…

  • Children Are Losing Health Insurance

    Since the American Community Survey became available in 2008, we have been using this data to track state and national trends in children’s health coverage. This year is the tenth time I have co-authored this report and the news is the worst yet – by a long shot. As regular readers of SayAhhh! Health Policy…

  • Children’s Uninsured Rate Rises by Largest Annual Jump in More Than a Decade

    Introduction For many years, the United States was on a positive trajectory in reducing the number and rate of uninsured children; in 2016, the nation attained a historic low of 3.6 million uninsured children. This progress occurred as a result of expansions of public coverage—primarily Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)—and was accelerated…

  • What would happen if ACA is overturned?

    Charleston-Gazette Mail By: Rick Wilson It’s too soon to say, but the people who want to overturn the Affordable Care Act, a group that includes West Virginia’s attorney general, are closer than before to getting what they want, even in the midst of a pandemic that has already killed over 200,000 Americans. Opponents of the…