Data shows kids greatly impacted by KanCare redeterminations

By Heather Braum, Kansas Action for Children Kansas released the second set of data for how the year-long KanCare unwinding process is going, with data available through June 30, 2023, and has now broken out the data into age ranges and by county for those who had not returned a renewal form in April or May. Since […]

Administration Releases Medicaid and CHIP Mental Health and SUD Action Plan, Parity Initiatives

In another round of mental health-related announcements, this week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a Medicaid and CHIP Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Action Plan alongside Administration announcements focused on mental health parity.  The seventeen page Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Action Plan provides an overview of Medicaid and […]

Legislative Roundup: Eight states now committed to multi-year continuous eligibility for young children as Colorado, Minnesota and Ohio pass new legislation

The unwinding continues to dramatically showcase children’s loss of health care despite the fact that most likely remain eligible. Amid the worse-than-expected disenrollments among children due to red tape and insufficient communication, one bright spot is that more states are seeking CMS approval to reduce administrative burden on families by adopting 2-to-5 year continuous eligibility […]