Gracias a las leyes federales, hay menos niños sin seguro medico en Georgia, pero eso podría cambiar pronto

Georgia ocupa el cuarto lugar entre los estados con el peor número de niños sin seguro médico, con un estimado de 176,000 niños sin cobertura de salud. Comparado con los estados vecinos del sur, Georgia tiene un desempeño insatisfactorio. La tasa de niños sin seguro en todos los estados vecinos—con excepción de la Florida—es mucho […]

The Number of Uninsured Children in Georgia Has Declined Thanks to Federal Law But May Rise Soon

The state of Georgia has the fourth highest number of uninsured children with an estimated 176,000 Georgia children going without health coverage. Georgia performs poorly in comparison to its neighbors in the deep south. All of Georgia’s neighboring states—with the exception of Florida—have better child uninsured rates (see Figure 1). Children without health insurance have […]

Webinar: Medicaid Continuous Eligibility for Children up to age 6 in Oregon

On September 28, CMS approved Oregon’s groundbreaking proposal to provide continuous eligibility (CE) in Medicaid and CHIP for children from birth to age 6 as a component of the state’s school readiness and health care transformation strategies. The approval also creates a two-year CE for all beneficiaries ages 6 and older, along with a number […]