New Report Underscores Need to Help Citizen Children from Mixed Status Families Enroll in Medicaid/CHIP

Ninety-seven percent of children living in the US are citizens, but one in four have an immigrant parent. New research from the Urban Institute shows that coverage gaps for citizen children with noncitizen parents widened relative to other children from 2016-2019, reversing much of the coverage gains these children experienced from 2013-2016. These findings are […]

Commonwealth Fund Blog Series on Medicaid Drug Pricing Issues

Congress and the Biden Administration are currently pursuing substantial drug pricing reforms as part of the reconciliation legislation expected to move this fall.  While the focus is primarily on Medicare, Medicaid should not be overlooked. In an ongoing series of posts for the Commonwealth Fund’s To the Point blog, I examine some key Medicaid drug […]

Federal Government Accepting Public Comments on Tennessee Medicaid Block Grant Waiver Restricting Access to Prescription Drugs

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have reopened a 30-day public comment period for Tennessee’s controversial section 1115 waiver, which the Trump Administration approved in January 2021.  While the waiver’s radical centerpiece converting the state’s federal Medicaid funding into a block grant has rightfully received the most attention, the waiver would also allow […]

Hidden in Plain Sight: A Medicaid Managed Care Pay-For

The Medicaid managed care market continues to grow.  A review of the Q2 financial reports of the “Big Five” national managed care companies by my colleague Allie Corcoran finds that, over the first six months of 2021, Medicaid enrollment increased, on average, by 14.9 percent year-to-year. This increase is being driven in part by the […]