Missouri Medicaid Expansion Moves Forward

On July 22, the Missouri Supreme Court in a 7-0 decision ruled that Missouri’s voter-passed Medicaid expansion must proceed regardless of legislative foot-dragging and inaction by the  Governor. The unanimous decision was decided on fairly simple legal grounds. The court noted that the voter-passed initiative had changed Missouri law and added the parents and other […]

New CMCS Informational Bulletin on Public Charge

Yesterday, CMCS released a new Informational Bulletin reminding states that the public charge rules have changed and emphasizing that Medicaid and CHIP benefits will not be considered when immigrants apply for a green card. The Trump Administration sought to change the public charge rules – rules that are used as part of an immigrant’s application […]

Oklahoma Successfully Implements Medicaid Expansion

By Emma Morris, Oklahoma Policy Institute Since Medicaid expansion became an option for states in 2012, most Oklahoma lawmakers have been reluctant to take advantage of this life-saving opportunity, despite its health, economic, and fiscal benefits. In response to legislative foot-dragging, advocates leveraged the initiative petition process to put the issue to a vote of […]

States Try New Approaches to Improve Maternal and Infant Health

Maternal morbidity and mortality are ongoing crises in the US. Every year, 50,000 women experience serious complications following birth. These complications can be a result of health conditions experienced before and during pregnancy, and women of color have disproportionately high maternal morbidity rates. Policymakers have begun to take action to address this problem. As we […]

Medicaid Continuous Eligibility Linked with Better Health, More Efficient Health Care Spending

Continuous health insurance coverage produces a broad array of benefits across the health care sector for individuals, states, health plans, and providers. In particular, Medicaid continuous eligibility promotes health equity by limiting gaps in coverage for low-income children and adults who experience disproportionate rates of health disparities. Consistent access to health care, including management of […]

Continuous Coverage in Medicaid and CHIP

Executive Summary Continuous health insurance coverage produces a broad array of benefits across the health care sector for individuals, states, health plans, and providers. In particular, Medicaid continuous eligibility promotes health equity by limiting gaps in coverage for low-income children and adults who experience disproportionate rates of health disparities. Consistent access to health care, including […]