State Medicaid Opportunities to Support Mental Health of Mothers and Babies During the 12-Month Postpartum Period
Download Full Report (PDF) By: Elisabeth Burak, Anne Dwyer, Tanesha Mondestin, and Kay Johnson Most states have moved to adopt a new state option to extend Medicaid coverage to all enrolled pregnant people from 60 days to 12 months following a pregnancy. As the predominant payor of U.S. births and health care to postpartum people…
CMS Announces New State Opportunity to Advance Behavioral Health Care Integration
Last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a new state opportunity to test approaches for addressing behavioral, physical, and health-related social needs of individuals covered by Medicaid and Medicare. Structured as a new “Innovation in Behavioral Health” (IBH) model to be tested by the CMS Innovation Center, the state-based model is…
CMS Unsurprisingly Concludes Georgia Demonstration Extension Request Is… An Extension Request
On December 22, CMS sent Georgia a letter confirming that the state’s section 1115 demonstration extension request was being reviewed as an extension request. This straightforward conclusion, which the state was trying to avoid, has some important consequences for the state’s on-going Medicaid expansion debacle. But let’s start with the background. In February 2023, Georgia…
CMS Previews State Grants to Transform Maternal Health, Grow Community-Based Workforce
Many states have been taking a closer look at the experiences of pregnant and postpartum people amidst the persistent maternal health crisis, including reaching communities– most especially Black and Indigenous women and other communities of color who have not fared well in the traditional, clinical health care system. We at CCF have championed states electing…
Zero to Six Continuous Coverage Proposed in Pennsylvania, Approved in New Mexico
As we hit the milestone of 3 million children losing Medicaid coverage in less than a year, movement toward multi-year eligibility in Medicaid continues to be a bright spot in the unwinding storm. Last week CMS approved New Mexico’s request to implement continuous coverage for children up to age 6, joining Oregon and Washington in…
As Extra Medicaid Funding Phases Out at Year’s End, States Must Still Report Data and Comply with Federal Renewal Requirements
Starting in 2024, states will no longer receive extra federal funding associated with the Medicaid continuous enrollment requirement that was in place from March 2020 through March 2023. But the recent Interim Final Rule with Comment (IFC) released by CMS reminds states that they must continue to meet data reporting requirements specified by Congress and…
A 1-2 Policy Punch Would Earn States a Gold Star in Covering Kids
As CCF’s Medicaid child enrollment tracker hit a sobering milestone this week – a net decline of 3 million children since March 2023 – CMS released a package of documents advising and encouraging states to do more to make sure children don’t slip through the cracks during the unwinding of the pandemic-related continuous enrollment requirement.…
New Report Finds Alarming Trends in Maternal and Infant Health in Idaho and Calls for Improvements to Health Care Access
By Ivy Smith, Health Policy Specialist at Idaho Voices for Children Infant mortality in Idaho rose 18% and maternal mortality rose a staggering 121.5% from 2019 to 2021, according the Idaho Maternal and Infant Health Report 2023 published by Idaho Kids Covered, a statewide coalition of health care advocates and stakeholders supported by Idaho Voices…
House Passes Bipartisan Medicaid and CHIP Behavioral Health Provisions, Senate Committees Act: Here’s a Breakdown
Last week, the House of Representatives passed its Support for Patients and Communities Reauthorization Act. Passing on a broad bipartisan basis, the bill would reauthorize certain provisions of the 2018 SUPPORT Act such as those supporting individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs) like requiring state Medicaid programs to provide coverage for medication-assisted treatment in addition…
Three Million Fewer Children in the U.S. are Covered by Medicaid: CHIP Enrollment Isn’t Growing Much
As readers of Say Ahh! know, we’ve been closely tracking data from around the country related to the lifting of the COVID-19 pandemic related continuous coverage protections in Medicaid. The tracker is going up very quickly now– we hit one million on Halloween, two million on Thanksgiving and today three million fewer children are enrolled…
A Tipping Point for School Medicaid Expansion
By Jessie Mandle, National Program Director of the Healthy Schools Campaign Since 2014, school districts have been allowed to bill Medicaid for all health services provided to all Medicaid-enrolled students, instead of being limited to reimbursement for services included in a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). However, states have been slow to leverage this opportunity…
Transparency in Medicaid Managed Care: The Wait Goes On
Last month, the Centers for Medicaid & CHIP Services (CMCS) issued a Center Informational Bulletin, “Medicaid and CHIP Managed Care Monitoring and Oversight Tools.” Among other items, this CIB discusses the Managed Care Program Annual Reports that state Medicaid agencies are required to submit to CMS. MCPARs are each state’s accounting of how each of…
Medicaid Managed Care in 2023: The Year that Was
2023 marked an inflection point in the growth of Medicaid managed care. Enrollment in MCOs, which had climbed continuously in both 2021 and 2022 due largely to the continuous coverage policy in place during the Public Health Emergency, plateaued and then headed downward, due largely to the PHE unwinding. Much uncertainty remains as to how…
States with Low Medicaid Participation Rates Saw the Greatest Child Coverage Gains During the Period of Pandemic Continuous Coverage Protections
By: Juliana St Goar & Joan Alker It is well documented that over the past three years, Medicaid enrollment grew while a continuous coverage requirement was in place. Though some of this growth can be attributed to Medicaid’s crucial role as a safety net program during times of economic hardship, federal law also played a…
CCF Comments on Processes for Assessing Compliance with Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity in Medicaid and CHIP
The Georgetown University Center for Children and Families submitted the following comments to CMS regarding the proposed processes for assessing compliance with mental health parity and addiction equity in Medicaid and CHIP. Read the Comments
CMS Releases New Unwinding-Related Renewal Resources for Health Care Settings
CMS recently released a toolkit for clinical offices and health care settings with patient-centered messaging regarding the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous enrollment requirement. The toolkit includes helpful information on how health care providers can share information on Medicaid and CHIP renewals with patients. The toolkit starts with suggestions on what various staff members within…
Florida’s Rolling Out a New Medicaid/SNAP Portal Next Week – Throwing Gas on the Unwinding Fire
With little advance notice to the community, the state of Florida announced in mid-November that it was moving next week (December 5th) to a new portal for eligibility for Medicaid, SNAP, child care and TANF; and that every person/household in the state accessing those benefits will need to create a new account. Every person create…
Biden Administration Says No to Premiums in Medicaid Again – This Time in Wisconsin
We’re getting to the end of the year and a seasonal tradition for Medicaid Section 1115 waiver watchers is observing an uptick in waiver activity by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Last Friday, CMS issued a temporary one-year extension (in place until December 31, 2024) for Wisconsin’s BadgerCare Section 1115 demonstration…
North Carolina and Hawaii Make 10: States Advancing Medicaid/CHIP Multi-Year Continuous Eligibility for Young Children
It’s hard to keep up with the rapid progress in the number of states seeking federal approval to adopt multi-year continuous coverage for children covered by Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Since we last took stock, North Carolina and Hawaii have proposed 1115 waivers to adopt continuous eligibility for children from birth…
New CBO Study Explores the Long-Term Fiscal Benefits of Medicaid Coverage in Childhood
There is a large and growing body of research demonstrating the long-term benefits of Medicaid coverage during childhood and during pregnancy. This includes better health and lower incidence of disability in adulthood, higher educational attainment, and greater earnings and intergenerational mobility. Now, in a new working paper, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has conducted an…