
  • Participation Among Children and Parents -Urban Institute Presentation

    Participation Among Children and Parents -Urban Institute Presentation

  • Kaiser Releases Two Reports on Medicaid Reimbursement Rate Increases

    By Wesley Prater See CCF’s latest fact sheet on Medicaid Access Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, Medicaid reimbursement rates will increase to at least 100% of Medicare rates in the 2013 and 2014 calendar years.  The federal government will fund 100% of the difference in cost between what a state’s Medicaid rate was on…

  • Nevada Will Accept Affordable Care Act’s Option to Extend Medicaid Coverage to More Uninsured People

    By Denise Tanata Ashby, Children’s Advocacy Alliance, Nevada On Tuesday, December 11, Governor Brian Sandoval (R-NV) announced that he will support extending Medicaid coverage to more uninsured Nevadans.  This is a big win for Nevadans as an estimated 78,000 additional residents will now have access to vital health care services.  In a recent study by…

  • The Wait is Over: HHS Clarifies Terms of the Medicaid Expansion, Approves Six State Exchanges

    This afternoon, Secretary Sebelius sent a letter to governors along with a list of answers to 39 Frequently Asked Questions related to the Medicaid expansion, exchanges and market reforms.  As Joan Alker has posted before, we’ve been waiting patiently for the Medicaid expansion terms.   As we learn more, our bloggers will have more to say…

  • Covering Parents is Good For Kids: New Report Looks at Medicaid/CHIP Participation Rates

    Editor’s Note:  Welcome to the fifth in a series of blogs on how covering parents helps children.  Previous blogs on this topic have pointed out that extending Medicaid coverage to parents will provide a good value to states; maternal, infant and early childhood home visiting programs help prevent child maltreatment; covering parents can help depressed mothers get treatment…

  • Arizona’s Waiver Request to Limit Medicaid Extension Raises Questions

    A question on the minds of waiver watchers these days is whether the Obama Administration can, will, or should allow states to do a partial expansion of Medicaid to 100% of FPL for childless adults and parents who are newly eligible under the Affordable Care Act. Remember, Section 1115 demonstration waiver authority was created to…

  • Accepting ACA’s Medicaid Extension Would Save New Mexico $500 Million and Create Healthier, More Prosperous Communities

    By Kelsey McCowan Heilman, Staff Attorney, New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty Like many states, New Mexico has yet to make a decision about the “Medicaid Opportunity,” the chance to extend healthcare coverage under the federal healthcare reform law to most adults earning less than about $15,000 for a single adult or $32,000 for…

  • Updated State-by-State Numbers Show that ACA’s Medicaid Extension is STILL a Good Deal for States

    By Martha Heberlein Earlier this week, the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and the Urban Institute released updated estimates of the cost and coverage implications of the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid extension. These numbers are particularly helpful as states weigh whether or not to extend Medicaid to low-income adults. The big picture – if…

  • Supplemental Poverty Measure Shows 16% Are Living in Poverty

    By Tara Mancini This week, all around the country families will gather to celebrate Thanksgiving, a day known for eating turkey, but also for giving back to those in our communities who are in need. Over the last few years, a recession and weak economy have contributed to a rise in the percentage of people…

  • CMS Publishes Medicaid Cost Sharing Guidelines for 2013

    By Wesley Prater Section 1916 of the Social Security Act allows states to impose cost sharing and CMS recently published the Medicaid nominal cost sharing amounts allowed for Fiscal Year 2013.  These amounts can vary by income levels and are based on a  state’s payments for services. Some groups (e.g., children and individuals in an…

  • So Much Research, So Little Time

    By Tara Mancini Want to spend less time “Googling” and more time researching?  CCF recently  launched its new online CCF Research Digest using a service called Zotero to help you do just that.  With the ability to search publications by a myriad of fields and tags, the CCF Research Digest will help you to quickly…

  • New Report Adds Insights to Debate on Whether Florida Should Exercise Medicaid Option

    Governor Rick Scott of Florida, famously a staunch opponent of the Affordable Care Act, recently signaled a new willingness to join the conversation on how to put the law to work for Florida families. Today, we are releasing a report that will help give those engaged in the conversation some sound data and research to help guide…

  • Florida’s Medicaid Choice: Understanding Implications of Supreme Court Ruling on Affordable Health Care Act

    Georgetown University Health Policy Institute researchers estimate that 800,000 to 1.3 million uninsured Floridians would gain health coverage with no net cost to the state if Florida chose to exercise the option to extend Medicaid coverage to residents with incomes at or below 133% FPL as provided under the Affordable Care Act. Moreover, the researchers estimate…

  • Florida’s Medicaid Choice Slides

    View the report here. View the press release here. Georgetown University Health Policy Institute researchers estimate that 800,000 to 1.3 million uninsured Floridians would gain health coverage with no net cost to the state if Florida chose to exercise the option to extend Medicaid coverage to residents with incomes at or below 133% FPL as provided…

  • Countdown Clock Toward 2014 is Ticking (No More Timeouts)

    The Affordable Care Act is the law of the land – even House Speaker John Boehner affirmed that point in an interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC Nightly News. The countdown clock on implementation is ticking and there are no more time outs left.  States need to move full speed ahead to beat the clock…

  • The Election Results Are In: Now What Happens with the Affordable Care Act?

    (Editor’s Note: We welcome Senator Rockefeller’s Senior Health Policy Aide Sarah Dash to Georgetown University’s Health Policy team. She is joining our colleagues at the Center on Health Insurance Reforms where she will direct a 50-state evaluation of state health insurance exchange implementation and its impact on access to affordable, high-quality health care. She will also…

  • What Do We Know About Managed Care in Medicaid?

    By Joe Touschner Managed care has been part of the Medicaid landscape for many years.  Those of us who focus on children and families enrolled in Medicaid are particularly familiar with it—the overwhelming majority of kids in Medicaid are in managed care as are most of the adults who are not elderly or experiencing disabilities. …

  • Speaking of Medicaid …

    By Joe Touschner Say Ahhh! readers talk about Medicaid and CHIP all the time and it’s long been a key topic during state budget hearings.  But lately, Medicaid seems to be under discussion everywhere, including the last presidential debate.  And talk of Medicaid is only going to intensify in the coming months as we enter…

  • Final Rule Approves Pay Raise for Medicaid Primary Care Services

    Starting in January 2013 and extending through December 2014, physicians and practitioners (such as physician assistants and nurse practitioners) will receive reimbursement for Medicaid primary care services comparable to those paid for Medicare. As I noted in this blog when the proposed rule was released, primary care is one of our best buys in health…

  • Kaiser Survey Finds Medicaid Spending Growth is Down

    By Tara Mancini Last week’s release of the Kaiser Family Foundation’s 50-State Medicaid Budget Survey for State Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013 brings encouraging news.  The big picture findings from this 12th annual survey indicate that growth in both total Medicaid spending and enrollment were down in 2012.  Medicaid enrollment is projected to grow at…