State Data on Non-Elderly Health Coverage in Small Towns and Rural Areas

The state-specific downloads in the table below show county-level data on total non-elderly populations’ (children and adults) Medicaid coverage and uninsurance for the time periods 2008/09 and 2014/15. Data on children is available here, and data on adults can be found here. Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and the District of Columbia are excluded because less than 2 […]

States at Risk = Children and Families at Risk

It is a truth universally acknowledged that states don’t get sick, people get sick. But in a program like Medicaid, where the federal government and the states share in the cost of medical and long-term care services that people need, the fiscal fortunes of states and the health of beneficiaries are inextricably linked. If the […]

Connecting the Dots: Capping Medicaid, Closing Rural Hospitals, and Stranding Rural Children and Families

The Senate was designed by our founding fathers to protect less populated states. Few would dispute that over the decades, the Senate has faithfully executed that institutional mission, especially when it comes to health policy. So it is completely mystifying that the Senate, according to all reports, is seriously considering capping federal Medicaid payments to […]