Some Tax Guidance for People in Immigrant Families

Now that we are knee-deep in tax season, we have heard reports of confusion about new tax filing rules related to health coverage for people in immigrant families. Here are some of the common questions we’ve heard so far and our answers. Related Content: ICHIA Fact Sheet: CHIP and Health Coverage for Lawfully Residing Children […]

A Roadmap For Getting Enrollment Right for Immigrant Families

The Affordable Care Act brought the promise of affordable coverage to many lawfully present immigrants who are ineligible for Medicaid and CHIP due to longstanding immigrant eligibility restrictions. But, despite the overarching goal of increasing coverage for immigrant families through the health insurance marketplace, many continue to face challenges when applying for coverage on […]

Getting Enrollment Right for Immigrant Families

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has yielded impressive progress in reducing the ranks of the uninsured, with more than 12 million people covered by the health insurance marketplaces alone. However, meeting the goal of enrolling the remaining seven million people who are eligible for marketplace coverage but are still uninsured— even after the third open […]

Children of Unauthorized Immigrant Parents Exposed to More Risk Factors

By John Allison A new report released by the Migration Policy Institute (MPI), studying U.S. children with unauthorized immigrant parents, has found that such children are more exposed to risk factors that impact their well-being and future, and that this is unlikely to change without a change in immigration policy. Here’s what the report found: […]