Why Blog? Why Now?

Why start a blog? At the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families we debated that question for some time before deciding to jump into the blogosphere. With everything going on with the economy and a rapidly shifting dynamic in the health policy world, we thought a blog would provide a good place to meet to share ideas, find solutions, keep up with new developments, and, hopefully, find some “aha” moments along the way.

Given that every day more people are shaken loose from their jobs and their health insurance, now is a good time to start a conversation about how we can roll up our sleeves and work together to fix the health care system. With the implementation of the promising new CHIP reauthorization law, and the very real prospect that we might successfully take on health reform, there is much to learn, share, and discuss.

CCF Deputy Director Jocelyn Guyer and CCF Senior Fellow Tricia Brooks will help me get the blog rolling and we’ll have lots of guest bloggers including other CCF staff and colleagues from around the country. We’ll primarily focus on what children need from health reform and how to ensure the promise of CHIPRA becomes a reality for as many kids as possible. We’ll also get into the nitty gritty of health policy at the state and federal levels.

The health care policy field is filled with engaged, bright, and talented people and I find it invigorating to get out and talk to them while traveling to various states to promote children’s health coverage. I see this blog as a great place to tap into that energy without leaving my desk. While it won’t provide frequent flier miles, it should prove to be a very worthwhile journey.