Georgetown Center for Children and Families Releases Blueprint for Addressing the Needs of Children in Health Reform

Washington, D.C. — Children have unique health needs that should be addressed in health reform, according to a new report by the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute.

“Almost nine million children are uninsured and many more are at risk of not receiving the health care services that they need to develop and grow,” said CCF Deputy Director Jocelyn Guyer. “The Children’s Health Insurance Program reauthorization (CHIPRA) was a major step forward, but even if it works exactly as envisioned, millions of children will remain uninsured. Whether or not a child receives appropriate health care coverage still can be based on such arbitrary distinctions as whether the child lives in Kansas City, Kansas or Kansas City, Missouri or whether the child’s parent works for a school district or a chain retail store. “

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