Speaking of Medicaid …

By Joe Touschner

Say Ahhh! readers talk about Medicaid and CHIP all the time and it’s long been a key topic during state budget hearings.  But lately, Medicaid seems to be under discussion everywhere, including the last presidential debate.  And talk of Medicaid is only going to intensify in the coming months as we enter the 2013 state legislative sessions–the first sessions since the Supreme Court’s ACA decision and the last before January 2014.

With that in mind, we want to link readers to some great resources on the aspect of Medicaid that’s generating so much discussion–states’ opportunity to extend its coverage to millions more people under the ACA.  The first two links below are to compilations of useful documents that other organizations have put together.  Following that, we’ve added a few more, trying not to repeat any of the links included in the CBPP or NHeLP toolkits:

Health Reform’s Medicaid Expansion: A Toolkit for State Advocates:  From the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, this page brings together the Center’s own guides and fact sheets as well as resources from other state and national organziations.

State Resources from the National Health Law Program:  NHeLP’s resources page includes advocacy recommendations and links to documents from more than half the states.

Opting into the Medicaid Expansion under the ACA:  Who are the Uninsured Adults Who Could Gain Health Insurance Coverage: This Urban Institute brief provides state-level data on the number of individuals who would be eligible for Medicaid expansion and their age, parental status, race, and citizenship status.

Medicaid Coverage for Parents under the Affordable Care Act and State Fact Sheets:  This CCF brief presents national estimates of the number and characteristics of uninsured parents who would be eligible for Medicaid in 2014 according to whether they have child who is currently enrolled in Medicaid/CHIP coverage or an uninsured child who is eligible for Medicaid/CHIP but not enrolled. State-specific data are also provided on the ten states with the largest number of these uninsured parents.

Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act: Implications for Individuals who Will Be Covered and for State Residents and Taxpayers: This brief from the Child and Family Policy Center in Iowa provides brief vignettes to illustrate the types of individuals who would benefit directly from Medicaid expansion.

Who Benefits from the ACA Medicaid Expansion?  This short piece from the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured takes a more numbers-heavy look at those who stand to benefit.