Policy Brief: Resolving Enrollment Conflicts as States Expand Medicaid

I wrote about this issue a couple months ago here on the blog and there was enough interest we’ve turned that piece into a policy brief.  Basically, states moving towards expanding Medicaid have to deal with the fact that significant numbers of people who will now be eligible for Medicaid are already enrolled in health plans through the federal/state marketplaces and getting pretty substantial tax credits that reduce the cost of that coverage.  However, one can’t be eligible for Medicaid and still get the tax credit – at least not for very long.  On the other hand, nobody at the state or federal level wants anyone who has health coverage to lose it.  And, as states like Pennsylvania are finding out, this gets complicated with tax issues and questions about notification.  Many of these issues are still unclear but advocates, policy experts and health officials are working together to try and resolve this obscure but important enrollment snafu.  Here at CCF we’ll continue to follow the issue and update this brief with new information and experiences from the states.

Policy Brief:  Resolving Enrollment Conflicts as States Expand Medicaid