Jimmy Kimmel’s Take on Health Care


By: Steve Benen

It started in May. As regular readers know, late-night host Jimmy Kimmel spoke on the air about his young son’s heart surgery, and his belief that all Americans should have access to affordable, potentially life-saving, care.

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) soon after began referencing the “Jimmy Kimmel Test”: for a health care proposal to have merit, the Louisiana Republican said, it should ensure families are covered regardless of income. Cassidy even appeared on Kimmel’s show, vowing to protect Americans who need protecting.

Joan Alker, the program director at Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, told Politico, “Graham-Cassidy, like the previous Senate ‘repeal and replace’ proposals, takes a fiscal crowbar to Medicaid’s knees…. Kimmel did not overstate the impact. If Graham-Cassidy becomes law, there is no guarantee a child born with a congenital heart defect will get the coverage they need. It would depend on where they live, but even states with good intentions would struggle to protect children with the massive cuts to Medicaid included in this bill.”

Read more here.