Call for Nominations for Child and Adult Core Set Annual Review Workgroup

Each year CMS is required to review both the Child and Adult Core Sets of Health Quality Measures in Medicaid and CHIP. To inform the effort, CMS and its partners convene a multi-stakeholder Medicaid workgroup to provide guidance on the core sets. Mathematica Research is coordinating the recruitment of individuals to participate in the 2019 process.

The workgroup effort culminates in an annual report that includes recommendations for changes to the core set measures or identifies gaps in quality measurement that may guide efforts to develop new measures over time. More on last year’s report can be found in this blog.

As part of the review, work group members will be required to participate in two web-based meetings and one in-person meeting as noted in the solicitation for nominations. Information on how to apply and what is expected of the workgroup can be found at: https://www.mathematica-mpr.com/our-focus-areas/health/MACCoreSetReview. Applications are due January 11, 2019.