CCF Welcomes New Communications Manager

The Georgetown University CCF team is happy to welcome Oyinade [OH-YIN-AH-DAY] Koyi as our new Communications Manager. In this role, she will work with CCF Communications Director Cathy Hope to share CCF’s research and analysis with you and others through our blog, website, state children’s health report card, social media and media outlets.

Headshot of Oyinade Koyi

Oyinade has a robust history of working in public service. She was an AmeriCorps member with Public Allies MD, where she helped recruit volunteers to participate in a city-wide mentorship program in Baltimore. From there, she moved on to work with the Corporation for National and Community Service to help launch grant opportunities and highlight impact-driven work. She returns home to the Washington, D.C. area after working in New York City at the Fashion Insitute of Technology for the past five years. Oyinade is also a graduate of Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies Public Relations/Corporate Communications program.

We are thrilled to welcome Oyinade and excited to add her creative talents to our team. We know she’ll help us move closer to the day when all children and families have the health coverage they need to succeed.