Unwinding Wednesday #13: New Unwinding Resources, Including State-Specific Renewal Flyers

We are pleased to share new content on our unwinding resource page.

State-Specific Renewal Flyers

We are particularly pleased to announce the addition of state-specific renewal flyers that include the state agency website and toll-free numbers. One set of flyers also includes the income eligibility levels for children and adults, the other does not. The flyers also include the tollfree number for healthcare.gov in states that use the Federally Facilitated Marketplace, as well as the State-Based Marketplace in states that operate their own. The flyers can be downloaded from the site in PDF and Word formats. Feel free to use the Word format if you are interested in adding your logo to the flyer.

Pediatrician and Family Physician Factsheets

We were pleased to work with our partners at the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians to create factsheets specific to the important roles that pediatricians, family physicians, and primary care medical practices can play during the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage protection. These two-page fact sheets provide basic background and describe the various actions that the pediatric and family physician health care communities can take in educating patients and contributing to efforts to ensure that eligible children and families don’t lose coverage when the unwinding begins.

Other Resources

There is an abundance of communication resources posted by different partners, including CMS, the State Health & Value Strategies (SVHS), and CCF’s communications partner GMMB. We’ve also added our tips and best practices slide deck on specific action steps states can take now to be better prepared when they begin to resume routine operations.

50-State Unwinding Tracker Table with Links to State Specific Unwinding Documents

As you probably know, CCF has been scouring state Medicaid websites to find state-specific unwinding related information, including states’ unwinding plans or summaries thereof, FAQs, alerts to update contact information, and communications resources. If you download the tracker table, the spreadsheet will include links to each of the elements we have found.

Other Resources Out There?

If you are aware of resources that would be helpful to stakeholders, please shoot us an email at childhealth@georgetown.edu.