Unwinding Wednesday #24: State-Specific Flyers Available Now to Inform Medicaid Enrollees About Upcoming Renewals

As my colleague Tricia Brooks wrote last week, the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage provision is now underway in almost half of the states and in a handful of states, terminations for procedural reasons will begin next month. It is more important than ever to inform Medicaid enrollees about the changes that are coming so they can take the necessary steps to stay covered.

Together with our partners at the American Academy of Pediatrics and GMMB, we have prepared state-specific, customizable flyers outlining the 3 key steps for all Medicaid enrollees to take now to preserve their coverage:

  1. Update your info: make sure Medicaid has your current contact information
  2. Look out: check for official information with instructions on how and when to renew your coverage
  3. Reply ASAP: respond right away to keep Medicaid coverage or transition to another, affordable coverage option

The flyers include state-specific websites and telephone numbers to make it easier for families to find accurate, up-to-date information. Please circulate them far and wide – they can be posted in doctor’s offices, pharmacies, schools, and anywhere families may see them!

[Editor’s note: This post is #24 in the ‘Unwinding Medicaid’ series. For more information, visit our Medicaid continuous coverage unwinding resource page where you’ll find other blogs in this series, reports, webinars and the 50-state tracker.]