A Gift for New Parents for the New Year

by Lorraine Gonzalez, Kate Breslin and Elisabeth Benjamin, Health Care for All NY

On December 22, 2015, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a law (S4745/A7155) that will a­­­llow babies born into low and middle-income New York families eligible for the Child Health Plus (CHP), New York’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), from the day that they are born. This is great news for families across the state of New York, and a first-of-its-kind law nationwide!

Parents who apply before the baby is born, or within 60 days of the birth, will have coverage for their newborn from the date of birth. Those who submit an application more than 60 days after the birth will be covered from the date of the application.

The new law, which takes effect January 1, 2017, is a significant victory for thousands of families and new parents in New York State. Child Health Plus is an important program that has been helping New York children access healthcare since 1991. But some families had experienced significant gaps in the program. Under the old system, it took up to 45 days from the day that parents applied for CHP for enrollment to kick-in. That meant that babies could go more than a month without health insurance coverage during the vulnerable newborn period when timely access to health care is essential.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants should be examined by a pediatrician three times in the first two months of life—and even more frequently in cases with health problems. Infants also may face medical emergencies or urgent care needs. Some parents, fearful of large medical bills, were hesitant to seek health services for their babies during the waiting period before enrollment was effectuated. Now, they will be able to obtain the care that their infants need without fear of medical bills.

Children in New York State are eligible for Child Health Plus if they’re not eligible for Medicaid, a public employee state health benefit plan or another insurance plan (such as a plan through a parent’s employer). Families with incomes up to 400% of the federal poverty level receive free or low cost health insurance this way. In 2015, a family of four earning under $38,796 a year could obtain free insurance for their children.  Families with higher incomes paid a reasonable monthly premium of $9, $15, $30, $45, or $60 per child per month, depending on family size and income. Plus, there is no deductible or co-payments with CHP, so parents do not have to pay anything when their child visits the doctor!

For more information about the law, go to www.hcfany.org or email ebenjamin@cssny.org or lgonzalez@childrensdefense. org.
