By: Manuela Tobias
Did Dino Rossi, a Republican Washington state senator running for U.S. Congress, once take away coverage from 45,000 children? That’s what an attack ad by the House Majority PAC claimed.
Using data from the Medical Assistance Administration, the University of Washington Health Policy Analysis Program found most children leaving Medicaid weren’t ineligible in an April 2004 study. “In fact, only about 20 to 30 percent of the children removed are ineligible for Medicaid,” the report read. “Most are eligible but are inhibited from getting coverage because of the administrative barriers and hurdles described above.” When the first two rules changed back (and income verification stay put) in 2005, the numbers mostly returned to normal. “I don’t think that ‘wealthy’ families were taking advantage of the program given the bounce back in enrollment,” said Tricia Brooks, senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families.
Read more here.