Public News Service
By: Mary Kuhlman
New research illustrates the significant impact Medicaid expansion is having in Illinois, especially in rural areas. According to the findings, among states that expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, uninsured rates for low-income adults living in rural areas and small towns fell more than three times more than in non-expansion states.
The study’s co-author, Georgetown Center executive director Joan Alker, said providing working adults access to the preventive care that comes with having health insurance is a smart investment of taxpayer dollars because people are less likely to use emergency rooms as their primary care provider. She said she’s hopeful the research will help inform public policy debate in states that are still considering Medicaid expansion. “I think this kind of data is really important in breaking down some of the stereotypes about Medicaid and helping to really educate the public and key stakeholders about the value of Medicaid for rural communities,” she said.
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