The Doctor Is In

Doctor Donald M. Berwick, a respected Harvard professor and pediatrician who has built a reputation for improving quality and reducing health care costs, was sworn in this week as administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.  The agency had been without a permanent administrator since 2006. 

Dr. Berwick was installed in the CMS position through a recess appointment, allowing him to serve without Senate confirmation through the end of 2011.  While he’s coming into office under less than ideal circumstances due to the controversy surrounding the recess appointment, a prolonged confirmation process would have delayed filling a crucial job vacancy. CMS has been without a leader for four years and it’s important to have someone of his stature at the helm while CMS navigates its way forward toward full implementation of the Affordable Care Act. 

At CCF, we’re happy to see the first pediatrician be appointed to head the agency.  With his strong background in children’s health care issues, we are hopeful that he’ll be influential in recognizing the unique developmental and health needs of children and that his grasp of these issues will be reflected in the policy decisions the agency makes.  

Cathy Hope is the Communications Director at the Center for Children and Families
