New Poll Findings: Americans Strongly Support Extending SCHIP to More Children

WASHINGTON — The vast majority of American voters strongly support extending State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) coverage to more uninsured children, according to a nationwide poll released today by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families. This is the first poll to ask voters about much debated issues –– such as covering parents and higher income children — arising in the SCHIP reauthorization debate. With 9 million children lacking health insurance, the public believes Congress should take action to cover more children.

In the nationwide poll conducted by a bipartisan team of pollsters, Lake Research Partners and American Viewpoint, 91 percent of Americans said that they want Congress to help states cover more uninsured children and the vast majority also supported covering uninsured parents in low-income working families. Voter support for SCHIP crosses party lines, according to the poll results.

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