Karina Wagnerman is a Senior Health Policy Analyst at the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy’s Center for Children and Families (CCF). Karina conducts quantitative and qualitative research on Medicaid and runs large-scale Medicaid data analyses. Her work focuses particularly on Medicaid/CHIP enrollment data. Karina has authored reports on a variety of Medicaid topics, including co-authoring a study on Medicaid coverage in rural areas and co-authoring an annual 50-state survey on Medicaid and CHIP eligibility and enrollment policies with the Kaiser Family Foundation. Prior to CCF, Karina was a Research Analyst at Mathematica Policy Research, working on a mix of CMS research and data analysis projects. Before her time at Mathematica, Karina worked at CCF as the Executive Policy and Communications Assistant. Karina studied political science and economics at Wellesley College and earned a Master of Public Policy from Georgetown University.


  • New Study Finds Evidence of a “Chilling Effect” in 2016 Marketplace Enrollment

    There have been reports in the news of immigrant families decreasing their use of health care services and safety net programs because they fear that their information may be used to identify undocumented family members. A new study in the National Bureau of Economic Research explores this topic. Researchers examine the effects of Secure Communities,…

  • Medicaid’s Vital Role for Schools and Students

    It feels like summer just arrived, but back-to-school time is near! Before the back-to-school bell rings, we wanted to take stock of health coverage for school-age children.   As SayAhhh! readers are well aware, Medicaid and CHIP, the primary public health coverage sources for children, have worked together in recent decades to bring the rate…

  • Medicaid and CHIP Provide Health Coverage for Many School-Age Children, Yet Gaps Remain

    Introduction Children need health coverage to help them stay healthy and ready to learn in the classroom. Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), the primary public health coverage sources for children, have worked together in recent decades to bring the rate of uninsured children to historic lows. In 2016, only 4.5 percent of…

  • Research Update: Evidence Continues to Build on Medicaid’s Role Promoting Economic Security

    I previously wrote about the primary role of health insurance, which is to protect against economic insecurity, medical debt, and bankruptcy. Recently, I have been reading new studies that continues to build on this body of work. NBER’s Medicaid and Financial Health Using consumer credit data, the authors examine the financial distress of non-elderly adults…