
Webinar: Using Section 1115 Demonstrations to Support Health-Related Social Needs for Prenatal to 3 Population

Over the past few years, states have been increasingly seeking to use Medicaid section 1115 demonstrations to cover health-related social needs (HRSN) services and supports. While many states are including pregnant and postpartum individuals and their children as eligible populations to receive these benefits, not all individuals within the pregnancy and postpartum eligibility group will […]

Webinar: Unwinding – Where Do We Go From Here?

As unbelievable as it may seem, the “unwinding,” or the return to routine operations following the end of the FFCRA’s continuous coverage requirement, is nearing completion for almost all states. With a net decrease of almost 10.6 million enrolled in Medicaid, including over 4 million children, and a long list of issues that need to […]