Research & Reports

  • SCHIP Reauthorization: Can The Nation Move Forward Without Going Backward?

    This issue brief reviews the eligibility provisions in the original SCHIP law, the experience across states since SCHIP was enacted, and the potential implications for children of imposing a federal income eligibility cap on SCHIP. It also provides information as to why states cover families at different income levels and which states would be affected…

  • Making Real Gains for Children: Strategies for Reaching the More Than Six Million Uninsured Children Eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP

    SCHIP reauthorization in 2007 provides an opportunity for Congress to adopt policies that help assure that children can gain the coverage they need and for which they already qualify. To make progress, the cost concerns of states must be addressed and new tools for identifying and enrolling eligible uninsured children must be implemented. This issue…

  • Express Lane Eligibility: Using Public Programs to Enroll Eligible Children into Medicaid/SCHIP

    Author: Dawn Horner State Coverage Initiatives Program — Presentation Document May 2007

  • Waving Cautionary Flags: Initial Reactions from Doctors and Patients to Florida’s Medicaid Changes

    This issue brief explores the initial reactions and experiences of Medicaid beneficiaries and doctors participating in Florida’s Medicaid reform program that began enrollment in two pilot counties in September 2006. It reports that provider participation is declining and that the reform program has made Medicaid more complex. It also highlights that children are the largest…

  • Evaluating Florida’s Medicaid Pilots: Early Reactions from Doctors and Patients

    Author: Joan Alker Assessing Florida’s Medicaid Reform Project — Presentation Document May 2007

  • Family Coverage Under SCHIP Waivers

    This report examines 11 states that have been granted waivers to provide health care coverage to parents using SCHIP funds. It shows that while SCHIP parent enrollment nationwide is relatively small, the coverage provided helps fill a major coverage gap for low-income parents and their families.  

  • Children’s Health Coverage: States Moving Forward

    This report provides results from a nationwide review of state efforts to provide health care coverage to uninsured children between January 2006 and mid-April 2007. It shows that a large number of states throughout the country have proposed, passed, or implemented initiatives to cover more children through three primary strategies: finding, enrolling, and keeping SCHIP-…

  • Children’s Coverage: On the Move

    Author: Cindy Mann Grantmakers for Health and Grantmakers for Children, Youth, & Families — Presentation Document April 2007

  • Medicaid at the Ten-Year Anniversary of SCHIP: Looking Back and Moving Forward

    By Jocelyn Guyer This issue brief examines the relative roles of Medicaid and SCHIP in providing health coverage and reducing the uninsurance rate of low-income children. It also provides evidence of the necessity for additional Medicaid reforms to ensure that Medicaid will continue to meet the needs of low-income children and families.  

  • States Affected by Proposals to Restrict SCHIP Coverage Options

    By Jocelyn Guyer This issue brief provides an analysis on which states would be affected by policy proposals to limit SCHIP funding to children with family income at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. It shows that more than half of the states (28 states) are potentially affected by this type of…

  • SCHIP Funding for Parents

    By Jocelyn Guyer This memo provides information on the history, scope, and value of SCHIP financing for family coverage. It shows that that although SCHIP coverage for parents represents a small fraction of SCHIP funding, it has provided states with flexibility to address the growing number of uninsured Americans.  

  • Key Issues in SCHIP Reauthorization

    Author: Cindy Mann Association of Health Care Journalists — Presentation Document March 2007

  • Premium Assistance Programs: Do They Work for
 Low-Income Families?

    Author:Joan Alker U.S. House of Representatives Education and Labor Committee, Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions
 – Testimony Document March 15, 2007

  • Getting to the Finish Line: Covering Children Eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP

    Author: Cindy Mann Alliance for Health Reform – Presentation Document February 2007

  • Florida’s Medicaid Reform

    Authors: Joan Alker and Jack Hoadley Duval County Medical Society Forum — Presentation Document February 2007

  • SCHIP Ten Years Later: What Have We Learned

    Author: Cindy Mann State Health Research and Policy Interest Group, Academy Health — Presentation Document February 2007

  • The Future of CHIP: Improving the Health of America’s Children

    Author: Cindy Mann U.S. Senate Finance Committee 
– Testimony Document February 1, 2007

  • Too Close To Turn Back: Covering America’s Children

    Based upon the research and the experience gained since the enactment of SCHIP in 1997, this report describes the important issues at stake for children in the 2007 debate over reauthorization of the program, the progress the country has made in covering children, and the steps that could be taken to move forward.  

  • Election Survey Finds Broad Support for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program

    This issue brief reviews the results of a survey of 1,000 voters during the 2006 midterm elections (November 6-7, 2006) on their opinions about future funding for SCHIP. The results show that more than eight in 10 voters want to increase spending and expand the number of children covered; while only a small percentage (14…

  • Children’s Eligibility for SCHIP

    Federal rules establish which children states can cover with federal SCHIP funds. This issue brief explains these federal rules, including how they affect the income level, and insurance and citizenship status of children who can be covered under SCHIP.