Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Affordable Care Act Challenge

By Eva Marie Stahl, Community Catalyst The awaited day is here. The Supreme Court announced that it will hear the case against the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) individual responsibility requirement (and other related requests). For those immersed in football season, this is the Super Bowl of legal challenges. Game time. Be prepared, the oral arguments will […]

Implementing the Affordable Care Act for Millennials: What Can States Do?

By Maya Brod, Young Invincibles The Young Invincibles recently released a state guide with recommendations on how to best implement provisions of health care reform for young adults. The report, titled, “Implementing the Affordable Care Act for Young Invincibles: A State Guide for Health Care Reform for Millennials” identifies five major pieces of the ACA that disproportionately […]

NAIC Brings up Medical Loss Ratio Again

You know that expression, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”? Well, it came to mind this past week at the National Association of Insurance Commissioner’s (NAIC) fall meeting in Washington, DC. Just as in March, during the NAIC’s spring meeting in Austin, the NAIC consumer representatives were lulled into […]

The State of Young America: Health Care and Coverage

By Maya Brod, Young Invincibles Long-term economic trends, such as diminished wages and disappearing jobs, combined with rising health care costs, make our generation of young adults the most uninsured age group in the country. But in spite of these bleak trends, changes to the insurance system brought by health care reform have begun to […]

Foster Kids Rely on Medicaid

By Laura Boyd, Foster Family-based Treatment Association What is treatment or therapeutic foster care? Many in the child welfare ranks do not know; many are confused and unsure about TFC. Treatment or Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) is specialized foster care consisting of intensive behavioral health services delivered usually in foster homes by licensed mental health […]

Childhood is an Extreme Sport – Get Kids Covered

I just returned from the Children’s Health Insurance Summit in Chicago where organizations that successfully applied for CHIPRA outreach and enrollment grants gathered to share ideas on how to better Connect Kids to Coverage.  I’ll have more to say about the summit in a future blog but I first have to fulfill my promise to […]