
Critical Need for Further, Large FMAP Increases to Sustain State Medicaid Programs During Economic Crisis

As part of the Families First COVID-19 legislation, Congress provided a temporary 6.2 percentage point increase in the federal Medicaid matching rate (FMAP) for the duration of the public health emergency.  The bipartisan National Governors Association and the National Association of Medicaid Directors are both urging Congress to provide further FMAP increases (totaling at least […]

Governors and Medicaid Directors Continue to Press for Withdrawal of Damaging Medicaid Fiscal Accountability Rule

As I have previously written, a significant share of the inadequate fiscal relief that Congress has already provided to states facing huge budget shortfalls could be canceled out if the Trump Administration goes ahead and finalizes its highly damaging “Medicaid Fiscal Accountability” rule (known as MFAR).  The rule would adversely affect how states finance their […]

The Paycheck Protection Program and Healthcare Enhancement Act Fails to Fund the Nation’s Frontline Health Insurer

Today, the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act became law.This is the fourth piece of legislation addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and the nation’s economic downturn.  It provides additional funding for programs created by the CARES Act, (P.L. 116- 123), including  another $380 billion to support small businesses and another $75 billion to help […]