New Florida Law Requires Stratified Performance Measure Data for Medicaid Managed Care

By Anne Swerlick, Senior Policy Analyst, Florida Policy Institute Experts agree that to reduce health disparities, you first need to know where they exist. The collection of health plan performance measure data, such as timely prenatal care and well-child check-ups, broken down by demographic factors like race and ethnicity is essential for developing targeted health […]

Medicaid Managed Care Compliance Tools: Another ‘Pay-For’

Discussions have begun on the possibility of enacting a scaled-down version of the Build Back Better legislation. Any agreement that includes new federal spending will also require pay-fors (a/k/a offsets) either in the form of spending reductions or tax increases, or both.  In Medicaid, responsible pay-fors—i.e., policy changes that the Congressional Budget Office will score […]

Medicaid Managed Care: SDOH, MCO, and MLR

There is no shortage of acronyms or initialisms in government agencies and programs and Medicaid is no exception. The Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission or MACPAC (one of our favorite acronyms) devotes an entire glossary to them.  The most prominent initialism in Medicaid policy discussions these days is SDOH: social determinants of health, […]