Unexpected Defeat of Repeal Bill Doesn’t Mean End of Threats to ACA Health Coverage

 In the wake of the surprise defeat of the Senate’s effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), President Trump tweeted: “As I said from the beginning, let ObamaCare implode, then deal. Watch!” The Trump administration does in fact have considerable ability to undermine and even “implode” the ACA’s insurance marketplaces, independent of Congress. […]

Insurer Q2 Earnings Reports Being – How Will Companies React to Federal Uncertainty?

By Emily Curran, Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reform  On July 18, Unitedhealthcare reported its second quarter (Q2) financial earnings, kicking off the Q2 cycle in which health insurers will announce their quarterly results, detail major financial gains and losses, and provide insight into how they expect to perform over the following quarter. While the audience […]

States at Risk = Children and Families at Risk

It is a truth universally acknowledged that states don’t get sick, people get sick. But in a program like Medicaid, where the federal government and the states share in the cost of medical and long-term care services that people need, the fiscal fortunes of states and the health of beneficiaries are inextricably linked. If the […]

Nation’s Progress on Children’s Health Coverage Imperiled

On November 9th I blogged about what the election results could mean for child and family coverage. As readers of Say Ahhh! know, the nation made extraordinary progress in reducing the rate of uninsured children to under 5%, This progress is thanks to Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). All three […]