HHS Study Shows Benefits of Shopping and Subsidies, but Costs Still a Concern

By Sean Miskell As insurers selling on the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) Marketplaces begin to file their 2017 rates with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), concerns over proposed increases will once again emerge. But a report released by the HHS Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) demonstrates that behind the headlines […]

New Tools Raise Awareness about Developmental Screenings in Pennsylvania

By Joan Benso, President and CEO, Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children In the past year, Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (PPC) has collaborated with professionals from across the commonwealth to understand the state of developmental screening. PPC’s overarching organizational mission is to make Pennsylvania one of the top 10 states to be a child and to raise […]

Missouri’s Health Reform Assisters Triumph In Court

By Emily Curran, Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reforms  Health reform advocates experienced a win last month, when a federal court in Missouri struck down three sections of a recently enacted state law that interfered with the ability of consumer assistance personnel to help Missourians understand their health insurance options and enroll in coverage. […]

Making Medicaid Work Better: Lessons from States on Implementing Ex Parte Renewals

This brief focuses on states’ experiences in implementing data-driven renewals in Medicaid through a process called ‘ex parte’ – using third party data sources to confirm ongoing eligibility. We interviewed officials in eight diverse states to identify the challenges states face in automating the renewal process and summarize their experiences in overcoming these barriers to […]

How Cuts to Safety Net Hospitals Impact the Uninsured in a State that Rejected Medicaid Expansion Funding

by Miriam Harmatz, Florida Legal Services Much has been written—from blogs to briefs—documenting the tremendous positive impacts of Medicaid expansion. Less well-documented are the negative impacts that flow from rejecting expansion. Obviously, non-expansion states fail to reap the profound benefits of expansion. But they are not just failing to move forward with the expansion’s huge […]