CBPP Finds New Plan to Repeal ACA Would Lead to Deep Cuts for Medicaid Beneficiaries, Higher Costs and Fewer Consumer Protections

By Edwin Park, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), and Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) unveiled a new plan to repeal all of health reform (the Affordable Care Act or ACA) except for certain provisions related to Medicare, cap federal Medicaid funding, and create a new tax credit for people […]

2014 is Finally Here! Let the Coverage Begin …

I was excited to come to work today – the first business day of full implementation of the Affordable Care Act. It has been many decades in the making – but the concept that all Americans should have access to affordable health insurance is finally the law of the land. And anti-consumer practices, used by […]

The Administration’s New Welcome Mat for Immigrants: “It’s Safe to Apply”

By Dinah Wiley In previous blogs, I’ve described the reluctance of immigrant families to enroll in Medicaid, CHIP, or marketplace insurance and subsidies.  The chief worry for a mixed-status household is whether a health insurance application will trigger immigration enforcement, resulting in “removal” (deportation) of a member of the family who would be separated from […]