Georgetown Researchers Begin Evaluating Florida’s Medicaid Changes

WASHINGTON—Georgetown University Health Policy Institute researchers Joan Alker and Jack Hoadley released the first in a series of issue briefs evaluating the implementation of Florida’s experimental Medicaid waiver program. Funded primarily by the Jessie Ball DuPont Fund, the evaluation is the only comprehensive examination of the Medicaid pilot program that is funded independently of the state or federal government.

With the first wave of enrollment effective Sept. 1, the Florida Medicaid waiver will affect 207,077 current Medicaid beneficiaries in the two counties where the pilots are first being implemented. Children are the single largest group that will be required to participate in Florida’s Medicaid experiment, the Georgetown Health Policy Institute researchers said in issue brief (#1), “Medicaid Changes: What Will They Mean for Broward and Duval counties, and beyond?”

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