Needs of Children Important to Reform, Too Many Without Coverage, Report Says

May 30, 2009

The needs of children must be an important component of health reform efforts, according to a report released May 29 by the Center for Children and Families.

Despite gains in insurance for children, many still do not have coverage or suffer from gaps in their care, according to the report, The Last Piece of the Puzzle.

“To an alarming degree whether a child has health insurance continues to be a game of chance. It can depend on such arbitrary distinctions as whether his mother works for a school district or a chain retail store, whether the family lives in Kansas City, Kansas or Kansas City, Missouri, or whether the family lives in a state with a simple or complicated Medicaid/CHIP [Children’s Health Insurance Program] application,” the report said.

The report provides recommendations for how to incorporate children’s needs into comprehensive health reform through steps that would ensure affordable, quality coverage.

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