When we provide health coverage for kids, we give them the opportunity to grow into healthy adults who live, work and thrive in every Colorado community.
But — did you know that…
- Colorado has the fastest growth rate of kids living in poverty in the nation, with an 85 percent increase over the last nine years? (Colorado Children’s Campaign, coloradokids.org)
- Colorado ranks 43rd in the nation for health insurance coverage for all children and last in the nation for covering kids who live in poverty? (Families USA, familiesusa.org) .
- Nearly 80,000 of the 153,000 uninsured children in Colorado are eligible for public health programs, yet not enrolled? (Colorado Health Institute, coloradohealthinstitute.org)
Now is the time to protect and strengthen health insurance programs for kids by enrolling all children eligible for coverage through Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus. CHP+ is a low-cost public health insurance program for pregnant women and children in Colorado whose families
earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but cannot afford private health insurance.
Eight of 10 Colorado children who are eligible are already covered, so finishing the job is simple and well within our reach.