CHIPRA – an Accomplishment to Be Proud Of

The Hill
January 30, 2012

Members of Congress aren’t getting a lot of credit for things they got right these days so we would like to point one out—passage of the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA). On the anniversary of the Children’s Health Insurance Program reauthorization, let’s celebrate a popular law that was approved with bipartisan support. Since its passage three years go, the law has helped drive the number of uninsured children under 18 down by one million. This progress, which has brought the children’s uninsured rate in this country to its lowest level on record, is even more striking given that childhood poverty and adult uninsured rates jumped sharply over the same time period.

So if congress isn’t going to pat itself on the back, we will do it for them. On behalf of all the families who have had the peace of mind of knowing their children’s health was insured through CHIP during these tough economic times—THANK YOU!

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