Nevada Will Accept Affordable Care Act’s Option to Extend Medicaid Coverage to More Uninsured People

By Denise Tanata Ashby, Children’s Advocacy Alliance, Nevada

On Tuesday, December 11, Governor Brian Sandoval (R-NV) announced that he will support extending Medicaid coverage to more uninsured Nevadans.  This is a big win for Nevadans as an estimated 78,000 additional residents will now have access to vital health care services.  In a recent study by Georgetown’s Center for Children and Families, Nevada was ranked last in the country for the percent of uninsured children at 16.2%.  While this first step in extending Medicaid coverage is aimed primarily at uninsured adults, Joan Alker, who co-authored the study indicated “research is clear that covering parents means more eligible children will become connected with coverage.”  We are confident that children in the state will ultimately benefit because tens of thousands of parents and guardians and their families will now be eligible for Medicaid coverage.

Governor Sandoval’s announcement is significant for another reason: he is the first Republican governor to support this important provision of the Affordable Care Act.

The Children’s Advocacy Alliance commends Governor Sandoval’s decision to do what is in the best interest of Nevada’s residents.  We have advocated for nonpartisan consideration of the Affordable Care Act and will continue to work with the Governor’s office and service providers to try to bring home the full promise of the Affordable Care Act for all of Nevada’s residents.  It is our hope that this important step will open the door to discussions regarding additional efforts aimed at supporting the healthy development of Nevada’s children.