CCF Conference Welcomes New Era of Coverage for Kids

025If it seemed a little quiet on Say Ahhh! last week, we were all focused on our annual  conference: “Welcoming a New Era of Coverage for Children and Families”.  We had a fantastic time reconnecting with incredible health policy advocates from across the country and discussing a variety of important health policy issues.

We kicked off the conference by presenting our first annual Georgetown CCF “bulldog” award to Jon Peacock of Wisconsin Council on Children and Families for his perseverance in standing up for children and families.

ChrisJenningsOther highlights of the conference included:

  •  – Speeches by two health policy all-stars that have spoken at just about every CCF annual conference – Chris Jennings and Cindy Mann
  •  – A tribute to the work of Kimberley Chin as she transitions out of Atlantic Philanthropies
  • – Our first ever journalist panel with Abby Goodnough of the New York Times and Julie Appleby of Kaiser Health News
  • – Informative presentations on issues such as extending CHIP funding, the importance of Medicaid renewals, and what to expect in the next open enrollment period.

We’ll have more in depth blogs about the issues we covered at the conference in the weeks ahead so please stay tuned.