In Nevada, One in Five Hispanic Children is Uninsured

KNPR News, Nevada Public Radio

November 14, 2014

By Troy Wilde and Nevada News Service

Though Nevada has improved, one in five Hispanic children in the state still do not have health insurance. A study released by the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) and the Georgetown Center for Children and Families (CCF) showed that 20 percent of Hispanic children in Nevada are uninsured.The report found that the uninsured rate for all children in Nevada is the highest in the U.S.

Co-author of the study and fellow at CCF, Sonya Schwartz, said that “in the U.S., most Hispanic children are citizens – in fact, 93 percent of Hispanic kids in the U.S. are citizens – but some live in families where other family members are not,”she said. “It’s really important for parents to realize that it’s safe to apply, even if not everyone in the home is a citizen.”

Schwartz also stated that expansion of Medicaid and Children Health Insurance Program (CHIP), are vital aspects that will aid in the decrease of the uninsured-child rate.

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