Health Insurance for Kids Jumps to Best Numbers in Decades

Equal Voice 

November 2nd, 2015

The percentage of children without health insurance fell to its lowest point in decades in 2014, with Alabama boasting the lowest rate in the Deep South, the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute reported.

“States that extended Medicaid coverage to more uninsured adults saw nearly double the rate of decline in uninsured children as compared to states that didn’t accept the ACA’s Medicaid option,” the report said.

That finding makes Alabama’s success all the more striking because the state has not accepted additional federal funds to cover more adults under Medicaid, according to Arise.

“Extending affordable health coverage to parents would make a significant difference in the lives of children in states that have not yet expanded Medicaid,” Joan Alker, executive director at Georgetown’s Center for Children and Families, which released the report, said in a statement.

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