Arizona Health Advocates Join Forces To Support Future Bill To Resurrect KidsCare

The Hertel Report

January 13, 2016

KidsCare, Arizona’s version of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), has been inactive since 2010, and ended in 2014. Based on a study by the Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, that has lead Arizona to have the highest rates of uninsured children in the United States of America.

A recent study by Georgetown University Health Policy Institute Center for Children and Families reports that Arizona has the highest rate of uninsured children in the nation in families with incomes of up to 200 percent of the FPL – or those previously served by KidsCare.

“Yet Arizona remains among the bottom three states for children’s coverage, suggesting that the improvement in coverage could have been much greater if KidsCare had remained a viable option,” states the report. “The relatively high rate of uninsured children in the KidsCare income range reflects a coverage gap in affordable and comprehensive coverage for children.”

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