New Study: Health Providers Struggle In States That Don’t Expand Medicaid

Kansas Health Institute

By: Bryan Thompson

During the conference call about the new study by Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute, Jack Hoadley, one of the Georgetown researchers, and Paul Taylor, the CEO of Ozarks Community Hospital, talked about the new study by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families. They emphasized differences – specifically financial ones – between those states that opted for the Medicaid expansion and those who did not.

For instance, Paul Taylor stressed the differences based on his own personal experience, as he has hospitals and clinics in Missouri, which has not expanded Medicaid, and in Arkansas, which has expanded Medicaid, mentioning that “It’s gloom and doom with my fellow small and rural hospital administrators in Missouri. They’re all just hanging on”.

A new study by Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute found stark differences between states that have expanded Medicaid eligibility under the Affordable Care Act and those — like Kansas and Missouri — that haven’t.

Jack Hoadley, one of the Georgetown researchers, said during aWednesday conference call on the study that hospitals and clinics in expansion states had far fewer patients who couldn’t pay for their care, meaning the facilities were much stronger financially.

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