Arkansas Seeing Benefits of Medicaid Expansion

Public News Service

By: Veronica Carter

The healthcare system differences between the states of Arkansas and Missouri is an example of those states that have expanded Medicaid and those that have not, respectively.

In the conference call about the new study by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families, Paul Taylor, CEO of the Ozarks Community Hospital system, and Jack Hoadley, co-author of the study report, discussed about these differences.

Lawmakers in Missouri have not approved a comprehensive expansion plan, but Arkansas has. That failure to expand is leaving a big dent in budgets of hospitals in some communities, according to a new report by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families.

Jack Hoadley, co-author of the Georgetown University report, says states that have expanded Medicaid have seen major reductions in the amount of uncompensated care delivered by safety-net institutions.

“This is the kind of ripple effect,” says Hoadley. “It’s not just the patient now comes in and gets a service, or now comes in and is able to pay for the service as opposed to receiving charity care, but the dollars that are saved, or the dollars that are brought in to these institutions, really are used in ways that really fundamentally change the way care is delivered.”

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