CEO Of Closing Hospital Shares Concerns, Warning To Small Hospitals


By: Michael A. Landis

Paul Taylor, CEO of the Ozarks Community Hospital, expresses his concern on those states that have not expanded Medicaid – as from personal experience, he had to shut down most workers and medical services in one of his hospitals in Missouri, a non-expansion state.

“You are tearing a family apart when you force us to do this,” said Paul Taylor, the man at the helm of Ozarks Community Hospital.

He says it started a few years back when Medicare told hospitals to treat more people on an outpatient basis, and to have fewer inpatient hospital stays (which cost the government more). OCH says it complied and its already-small number of inpatient stays got even smaller. Then, in what Taylor explained as a confusing turn of events, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) this month told OCH it no longer meets the definition of a hospital because it wasn’t providing enough inpatient care.

Taylor admitted, “I am blessed in that I am surrounded by a lot of long people…and if I wasn’t, I would have given up a long time ago.”


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