Rate of Uninsured Kids is Dropping

Albany Daily Star

According to the Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, West Virginia has a 3% rate of uninsured children, which is the lowest 4th in the United States.

Also, another Georgetown’s study proved the success that the Affordable Care Act has brought in reducing the number of uninsured children, which lowered 6% in 2014.

The report by Georgetown University Health Policy Institute’s Center for Children and Families says West Virginia’s 3 percent rate of uninsured children is among the lowest in the country.

The report ranks West Virginia fourth in the nation. Massachusetts is ranked first with a 1.5 percent rate of uninsured children.

According to the report, West Virginia reduced the number of uninsured children by 43.7 percent from 2013 to 2014. 

A Georgetown study reveals that the Affordable Care Act has brought the number of uninsured children in the country to an all-time low.

The health insurance data from the US Census Bureau for 2014 is finally in, and the latest numbers signal some significant changes for health policy. According to a news release from Georgetown University, a recent study has find that thanks to the Affordable Care Act, the number of children lacking health insurance in the country is at an all-time low.

The study found that the rate of children who are uninsured in the U.S. dropped to 6 percent in 2014. The study cites the Affordable Care Act as the main driver of dropping uninsured rates, which built on a decade of progress by Medicaid and CHIP.

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