Bevin Isn’t Likely To Get Everything He Wants In Medicaid Changes


By: Lisa Gillespie

With the Medicaid wavier proposal by Kentucky’s Governor, Matt Bevin, it seemed that Kentucky’s healthcare system would improve in many ways. However, according to experts, – such as Adam Searing and U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth – waivers have not worked as expected to any of the other states that have proposed as they have to negotiate with the federal government.

But he’s not likely to get everything he wants, according to Adam Searing, a senior research fellow with the Center for Children & Families at Georgetown University.

“That’s not how any waiver has worked,” Searing said. “The federal government has never gone and said, ‘We’ll just give you everything you wanted.’ Mike Pence in Indiana tried that, and it didn’t work. And he was just as adamant [as Bevin].”

“The idea is that it’s there when you need it,” Searing said. “Every one of these waivers is a negotiation with the federal government.”

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