Michigan Makes Marked Improvements In Children’s Health Coverage

Public News Service

By: Mary Kuhlman

The new report by Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families reported that Michigan has increased its children’s insurance rate by 24% between 2013 and 2015. Furthermore, Michigan has a higher children insurance rate than the national average.

In Michigan, the uninsured rate for kids dropped by 24 percent between 2013 and 2015, according to the analysis from the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families. Matt Gillard, president and CEO at Michigan’s Children, said he credits the expansion of the Affordable Care Act in Michigan with the decline.

The drop in the number of uninsured children was widespread across income, racial and geographic lines, according to Joan Alker, executive director at Georgetown University Center for Children and Families and the report’s lead author. She said that many Americans are not aware of the tremendous progress being made.

“We just did a poll and about half of Americans thought the number of uninsured children was actually increasing,” Alker said. “Only 28 percent were aware that the number is actually gone down. So this is a success that we’ve had as a country, it’s not well known and it’s something we can all feel good about.”

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