Kaiser Health News
By: Phil Galewitz
If President-elect Donal Trump and the Republican-controlled Congress do cut the state-federal insurance program (Medicaid), millions of low-income Americans could lose their health insurance coverage. However, there is still faith that this will not happen, because as the executive director of Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families, Joan Alker, mentioned, it will be very hard for them to repeal Obamacare and Medicaid.
After Trump is in office, he may find it’s harder than he realized to repeal Obamacare and tinker with Medicaid because cutting off coverage for millions of people could bring plenty of political fallout, said Joan Alker, executive director of the Center for Children and Families at Georgetown University.
Still, Alker said Trump’s win puts the block grant idea front and center in January. And an agreement to do it could give states flexibility to make cuts in federally required benefits, such as health screenings for infants and children.
“I would be very concerned about what could happen,” Alker said.
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